Become a Service Provider

Join our community to unlock your greatest asset and welcome paying guests into your home.

How does it work?

Why be a Service Provider


  How will I receive my payment?

We will collect the payment and transfer it to your bank account. You can also accept payment directly from the customer via bank transfer. You can view and download all the transaction details from your dashboard.

  How do I upload Services?

Register as a Vendor is the first step to start the association. You can log in to the Dashboard and upload your Tours, Hotels, Cabs, Homestays, Serviced Apartments, Houseboats and Events. We will maintain the platform and do digital marketing, so you can concentrate on your business.Register as a Vendor is the first step to start the association. You can log in to the Dashboard and upload your Tours, Hotels, Cabs, Homestays, Serviced Apartments, House, boats and Events. We will maintain the platform and do digital marketing, so you can concentrate on your business.

  How do I update or extend my services?

You can update the services using the dashboard provided.

  How do I increase conversion rate?

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